One of the first “It Bags” that I remember in my lifetime is the Fendi Baguette. It launched in 1997 and was “the bag” to have. The Fendi baguette has once again become a very cool bag to be carrying around these days. This year marks it’s 15th anniversary, so the design has been getting a lot of attention. It is the only bag (aside from our beloved Hermes classics) that I can think of that is still huge after 15 years. It is also one of the few bags to be produced in so many different fabrications and prints – logo, jean, beaded, fur, hand stitched – you name it. No matter how extravagant your Fendi bag is, the coolest way to wear it is with jeans or something casual. Just because it looks like an evening bag to most people does not mean it has to be treated as one. I have recently been sporting one of my favorite Fendi Baguettes that is over 10 years old. It is chocolate and cream fur with the signature Fendi clasp. When it was purchased, I was a sixteen year old girl with absolutely nowhere to go in a fur bag. I still wore it everywhere without caring what anyone else thought. I loved it then and I love it now. Come on – It’s Fendi!