I am actually practicing what I preach today by cleaning out my closet for Fall. It is always easy for me to tell clients what they should eliminate, because I know in my head what is not worth keeping and have no sentimental attachment to anything. However, that is not the case when I am dealing with my own possessions. I somehow feel that retiring my clothing is like giving away a child or divorcing a wife that did not age well. I am notoriously hard on things, especially shoes, so there is even an element of guilt attached as if I beat my wife and children! That being said, I came up with a little strategy for myself. I am getting rid of everything that does not fit or looks old and worn in a bad way. In terms of everything else that is old, I defer to two important TV shows and ask myself, “Is this old in a cool Carrie Bradshaw way, or is this old in a bad Donna Martin way?” I am proud to say that my closet is mostly Carrie. However, It is time to dispose of my favorite jean jacket. Floral print – hot. Floral mixed with a white tee and jean jacket – not.


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